

Project Title: E.N.S.A.Y.O. (Energize and Nurture Sports and Arts that Yield Outcomes)

“Practice makes Perfect”. This statement is what we usually say to ourselves when we tend to elevate our talent or skill. Once an individual discovers that he/she has intelligence in a certain area, continuous improvement is needed to enhance positive performance and boost confidence.

 Every learner has specific needs to enhance their gifts. Whether innately acquired or self- learnt talent, Practice is the key ingredient to perform at their best. As part of the School’s Improvement Plan (SIP), the MAPEH Group of La Huerta Elementary School proposes: E.N.S.A.Y.O. (Energize and Nurture Sports and Arts that Yield Outcomes). This program tends to develop LHES learners who were properly trained with knowledge and skills; physically and mentally ready; and with overall confidence in showcasing their flair.